This business is called MALIEARN
You can make money just by watching YouTube videos, every video u earn 1,000 UGX
,,the more you watch, the more u earn
You can make money just by watching Tiktok videos, every video u earn 1,000 UGX
,,the more you watch, the more u earn
You can make money through answering simple trivia questions,every question, u earn 1,000 UGX
,The more u pass, the more u earn
You can make money through clicking on paid adverts, every ad u earn 400 UGX
,,the more u click on,, the more u earn
Also u can earn through Selling Views and subscribers on YouTube,Instagram and tiktok
,you will be given free 250 Instagram followers as a welcome bonus after joining
You can make money through spins,, where your luck ends, that's the money u earn, u can also win 10,000ugx
to 50,000Ugx
by luck
You can also earn if u invite your friends to join the business and here you are also paid alot of money
you earn 5,000UGX
per person
* https://www.maliearn.com/register?ref=Quincy