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    How to blessings

    Proverbs 19:17 Whoever is generous to the poor lends to the Lord, and he will repay him for his deed
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    Kenyan government should set every worker free to choose for his or her own medical scheme.
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    Unitas shares

    Want to buy unitas shares from someone who is selling
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    Unitas shares

    Pliz I want to buy unitas shares from someone who wants to sell call 0720576930
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    Food crisis

    The Government should buy foods from those who have plenty in Nyandarua and give to those who are dying of hunger.
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    Food crisis

    The Government should buy foods from those who have plenty in Nyandarua and give to those are dying of hunger.
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    Love your God

    The lord your God who brought you out of Egypt is able to bring you out of any situation you may be passing through
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    Unitas shares

    Somebody want to buy unitas shares at 5 Bob pliz call 0775723124.