

Active Member
It takes twenty four hours to call it a day, seven days to call it a week. Three hundred and sixty five days to call it a years, five years to another election and eighteen years to be called an adult. Did you know that the first nine months of your life are one of the hardest and unpredictable time of your life?,, now you are starting to realize. Out of the blues for you God sent his only son Jesus Christ to go down and be crucified on the cross for none other than our sins sake that's you and me. Out of those all noted days you have a year to grow older but each day counts so don't predict your living days but instead take that one minute take that one hour take that one day take all your years to say thankyou and always stay faithful to God. All he needs for all this favors is just but a simple hello and thank you from you in a short prayer generated from inside you. 'Thankyou God' just by chanting this your days on earth are boosted by a long span.
Plus one everyday just keeps me on the move because the chance has been given to me and a few others by God. I just thank God for the gift if life first and foremost the biggest gift I have. I wanna tell the world of His victorious work and say Halleluhyah to His name.