Make money online

job mackey

Join Hela Smart Agencies
👉Ok so Helasmart is an affiliate platform.
👉All affiliate platforms are available lifetime.
👉The major way of earning in Helasmart Agencies is through Referrals.
👉Everyone is given his/her Referral link. You can check on the video below how to copy it.

*🥳 For every person that joins using your link you are paid ksh 300 for Kenyans, ugx 9000 for Ugandans, ZK 50 for Zambia, BWP 26 for Botswana, MK 2100 for Malawi, RF 2500 for Rwanda, XAF 1500 for Cameroon, GHC 30 for Ghana, etc.*
👉You also earn indirect commissions when your downlines (those that joined using your link) invites people to join Helasmart Agencies.
➡️ OK in Helasmart Agencies we have other ways of earning, YouTube&tiktok videos, free spin, trivia questions, ads clicks etc.
👉Don't depend on the tasks as ways of earning, instead you can use them as adverts. For example, you can watch the videos, get paid and the emails and post to attract screenshotspeople to join using your link.
🔗for you to get people to join using your link, you need to have many contacts and to get contacts, you have to join whatsapp groups from your country and start saving contacts daily. Make it a daily routine. Atleast 100 contacts daily. 🔥💯
✅OK so after you have your network. You have to let them know about your business by advertise/posting on your status daily.
You watched your upline posting the business, HELASMART AGENCIES. From there you were interested to know more. So you should do the same thing each and every day 🎉 🎉.
👉Mind you, people analyze the business before paying for activation fee. So don't feel embarrassed when they join and don't pay immediately. They will, they just want to see that you are still posting.

*Job mackey.*