
God is the same yesterday today and forever, trust in Him.
Yahweh, You are so Holy, You are High and lifted up and worthy to be praised. Father, there are days when the darkness overpowers the light and the storm rages out of control as the rains pour down.I am weak, I am tired, I am weary, I am burdened. Oh merciful Father, give me strength to go on. Grant me the patience and strength to be still and wait on You.I put my faith and trust in You, and in Your Word, as I look forward to new opportunities and new doors opened.Heavenly Father, I am drowning. My frustration and despair grows daily. I don’t see a way out of this.
But, I put all my faith and trust in You that a path will open up. New blessings and new positive relationships will grace my life.Give me patience and determination to be still and remember that You are God. Through You and Your love, everything that happens to me will make me stronger.Renew my hope, Oh Lord. Give me peace within my soul, knowing that You are in charge.Oh Loving Father, I wait patiently for You, for the abundant showers of blessings that are on their way.I will sing praises unto Your glorious name, as I am graced with love and mercy. I will be eternally grateful. In Jesus’ mighty name, Amen!
Psalm 46:10
Psalm 27:8
Isaiah 55:6
Deuteronomy 6:5
Psalm 130:6
Romans 8:32