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  1. Betsy


    Never trust a mirror,for a mirror always makes you think you're all the worth,can be seen on the outside.It only shows you what's skin can't see how your eyelids flutter, when you are drifting off to doesn't show you what the world see, when you are only being you.Or...
  2. Betsy

    Irony of Life 🤔

    There are some people who want something real with people until they meet someone with real standards that challenges them to be real consistent,real considerate and real committed.. Have you very came across such individuals..share your thoughts and experience..
  3. Betsy

    Separation of feelings

    You have to be able to separate how you feel about someone and how someone makes you feel.Those are very different things,I may feel about a person that they are charismatic, adorable and intelligent and wise but they make me feel lonely and sad anxious and stressed, questioning my value...take...
  4. Betsy

    When we miss someone

    Sometimes we avoid our feeling because we don't like what's unpleasant.And there are lots of people who just simply don't like to feel the sadness. I have lots of friends who are artist and musicians who have no problem with their sadness.They are actually quite creative when they are in that...
  5. Betsy

    Can peace be addicting as they say..

    I have never read or hard something that that hit me as hard as that did... What's your take.can you find your state of mind peace be addicting to an extent that you don't see the need to go out and socialize.. As in "not chasing people"🤔
  6. Betsy


    A child can teach us an adult three things; be happy for no reason, always be busy with something to demand with all his might that which he/she desires.. Take that into account. Blessed day everyone
  7. Betsy

    Child Hood trauma

    Child,why did no one ever taught you that you cannot turn people into homes? people are like rivers;ever changing, ever flowing.They will dispear with everything that you put inside them. Still your home does have a heartbeat.But it isn't the one locked in anyone else's chest.Just look inside...
  8. Betsy

    When a one says they've got high walls

    You don't say I'm going to build a wall,you don't say out to build a wall,you don't say I'm going to make this the biggest,the baddest greatest wall that has ever been built.You don't stop there,you say I'm going to lay this brick as perfectly as a brick can be laid .There will be not be one...
  9. Betsy

    Painful truth

    Sometimes you have to keep forgiving them while you're looking for someone to replace them.This is called constructive elimination by's not being toxic but for the greater good..
  10. Betsy

    Pain a common denominator

    Is everyone meant to experience pain or is it exceptional to some people... Coz wueeeh!!??
  11. Betsy

    Did you know

    Your personality is just a collection of memories.A set of conditioned habits and response and patterns created over time through experience.Day after day, moment after moment...
  12. Betsy

    Why's the lie

    Can someone else relate
  13. Betsy

    Why's the lie

    Can someone else relate
  14. Betsy

    Why's the lie

    Can someone else relate
  15. Betsy

    Why's the lie

    Can someone else relate
  16. Betsy

    Dunia Haina huruma

    The world would break everyone,dear the very good ,the very gentle,the very brave and those it doesn't break it kills. There's no shame in being a broken man,I should know.You just pick up the pieces and start rebuilding..
  17. Betsy

    Read between the lines

    You will attract what you expect,when you reflect what you desire.Because what you respect and mirror what you admire...
  18. Betsy

    Read between the lines

    You will attract what you expect,when you reflect what you desire.Because what you respect and mirror what you admire...
  19. Betsy

    Take into account

    You deserve consistency.Dont settle with someone who's only good at the beginning..
  20. Betsy


    Your perception of me is a reflection of you..and my reaction to you is an awareness to me ...