Remembering the WAGALLA massacre

Finest 175

On 10th Feb in 1984, Kenyan troops were called in to quell a simmering inter-clan tension in Wajir, North Eastern Kenya. As always, the pastoralist communities regularly clash because of water and pastures.
When the Kenyan troops arrived, they rounded up over 5000 men who included young boys from one of the warring community (Degodia) to the Wagalla airstrip
The order from the Government through the provincial administration was terse and chilling..
'All Degodias plus stock (cattle) in Griftu Division plus adjacent divisions will be rounded-up and will be treated mercilessly. No mercy will be exercised. You will get more instructions from this HQ in another two days’ time. No nonsense will be accepted. Further instructions will follow on the relief of the stock. Report progress daily”
The rounded up 5000 men who included young boys were then denied food and water for 5 days as they slept naked on the rough pebbled airstrip on their bellies, under the scotching Wajir sun.