Power is always dangerous,it attracts the worst and corrupt the best
Power is only given to those who are prepared to lower themselves to pick it up ..😅😅
Have you ever been attracted to someone just because of their mind,how they think.The way they see the world is just so attractive to you,their sense of intelligence, emotional maturity.....you know
It's just a deadly combo🤯🥵
Love 💕 is an ignorant lie that humans indulge in.Thats why they'll forever be mortals.Its why you are dying and the world is mine,love
It isn't was it was...😁🤭
If you were to write a book about a hero who slowly fell in love with the villain but killed them to save the world...
What would your last line be.
Y'all have a creative mind... let's get wild with ideas
The reason why egi and love are not compatible comes down to this;you cannot take your ego into the unknown where love wants to lead...
Tafakari ya Babu😅